Friday, January 21, 2011

Vitamin D and Hives

Check out the above link. It is an article that describes a recent study at the University of Nebraska Medical Center that connects Vitamin D deficiency and chronic hives.  Hives are considered "chronic" if they occur at least three times per week last three times per week, according to the article.

Vitamin D is an essential chemical compound that is required for healthy hair, skin, immune system, bones, and much more.  The RDA (recommended daily allowance) is 400 iu.  It is quickly becoming clear that this dosage is woefully inadequate.

Considering the body of evidence that has become available regarding the benefits of Vitamin D, this recent study reaffirms the need for greater amounts of supplementation.

I recommend that patients supplement their diets with a minimum of 3000 iu per day. Make sure that you ask your doctor and follow his/her recommendations.

Keith E. Biggs, DC

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