Saturday, September 18, 2010

Its a Bouncing Baby Stone...

Yesterday I got a call from my mother. She informed me that my Father was passing two kidney stones!  OUCH!

If you have ever passed a kidney stone, you know how painful it can be.  The medical doctors told my father that if he was unable to pass the stones, that they might have to fly him from Pinetop AZ to Phoenix for treatment.  Fortunately, Dad was able to pass the stones in the night, but not without quite a bit of pain and a little blood loss.

Although I can't do anything about the stones that my dad passed last night, there are some things that I can advise him of that might help him in the future. They could help you as well.

According to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the Clinical Journal of the American Society Nephrology (CJASN), the very diet recommendations that have been found to reduce high blood pressure has also been show to reduce the tendency to develop kidney stones.

The diet is called the DASH diet, and it stresses the importance of increasing fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts in the diet. It further recommends reducing sugars, sweets, and red or processed meats.

Imagine that... a healthy diet is a healthy diet... what a technological breakthrough.  I wonder what else a healthy diet helps with...

Anyway, excuse my sarcasm.

If you tend to suffer from kidney stones or know someone who does, pass this information along.  Most who have experienced the excruciating pain of passing a stone will agree that if changing their diet can prevent only one stone, it is well worth it.

Keith Biggs, DC

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