Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Water Water Everywhere!

Do you want to loose weight? Drink water. Simple, yes, but effective. 

A recent study compared two groups of people that were placed on a natural, whole food diet. One group was then also told to drink two cups of water before each meal. No other restrictions were given.

The results, in retrospect, were quite predictable. The group that drank water BEFORE each meal lost more weight than those that did not drink water.

So, if you are interested in trying to drop a few extra pounds, start your meals out with water. Oh, by the way, did I mention that your body needs water?  This is a diet tip truly without any adverse side effects.

Keith Biggs, DC
3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ  85206

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Paleo-Mediterranean Diet

OK... so think about this. Early man and his diet.  We were hunters, gatherers, and then, finally, farmers. If you take these thought into consideration every time that you go to the store, open the fridge, or go the the food pantry, you are likely to make better food choices.

The paleo-mediterranean diet simply means that the diet consists of raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries, fish, and smaller amounts of whole grains. The mediterranean diet also includes SMALL amounts of cultured dairy products. It stresses the eating of very little simple carbohydrates, those commonly found in sugar, pastas, breads, cakes, candy, and soda.

In western societies, the rate of hypertension in the population is roughly one in four. High blood pressure, however, is virtually non-existent in societies that follow a hunter-gatherer type of diet.

If you wish to live longer with less of a risk of high blood pressure and all the diseases that it brings, it is time to take a close look at your diet.

Keith Biggs, DC
Biggs Chiropractic & Acupuncture

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Vitamin D Therapy

I have an elderly patient that recently told me that her medical doctor determined that she was Vitamin D deficient through a routine blood chemistry test. To treat the deficiency, she was given a prescription for 50,000 IU Vitamin D, to be taken once weekly for about 4 weeks.

Vitamin D is a hot topic these past several days. It is essential for proper bone health, muscle function, brain function, immune function, and many other physiological actions within the body. Kudos to the MD for making the diagnosis.

The problem is, what will this patient do when she is done taking the 50,000 IU of Vitamin D?

I hope that the patient was instructed in proper nutrition so as to prevent a blood deficiency of Vitamin D again, though I doubt it.

Historically, the RDA (recommended daily allowance) for vitamin D is 400 IU. The RDA is the MINIMAL daily dosage. Anything below that level causes significant disease, the most common is known as Rickets in children, and Osteoporosis in adults.  It was also thought in the past that daily intakes of vitamin D above 2000 IU was toxic and detrimental to the body.

The good news is that these archeic thoughts regarding dosages are showings signs of weakening. Dr. Vasquez, DC, ND, DO, for example recommends doses of 2,000-10,000 IU for chronic musculoskeletal pain patients.
Some studies show that by taking an additional 1,000 IU per day, a person can reduce their risks of colon cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, and ovarian cancer.

Vitamin D is produced in the body when it is exposed to sunlight. It is also present in many of the foods we eat, including fish, fish oils, grains, and eggs.

Back to my chiropractic patient. Instead of massive temporary doses of vitamin D, she should be placed on a daily supplementation of 2,000-5,000 IU, with a follow-up blood test in a couple of months. The goal is better health for the long term, and not an immediate spike of blood vitamin D levels for the short term. The long term benefits for this patient could be incredible, and unlike taking medications, vitamin therapy causes no detrimental long term affects.

Keith Biggs, DC
3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ  85206